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Succulent plant - Haworthiopsis limifolia
Succulent plant - Gasteria pulchra
Succulent plant- Peperomia rotunifolia
Succulent plant - golden barrel cactus
Succulent plant - Peanut cactus
Succulent plant - Sedum lucidum
Ornamental succulent plant - Echeveria
Spice - Dry red chili peppers
Hottest spice - Ghost chili pepper
Spice - Dry bamboo shoots
Spice - Bay leaf
Black tea granules
Spice - Red pepper flakes
Spice - Turmeric powder
Spice - Dry Oregano leaves
Spice - Fenugreek dry leaves
Spice - Sesame seeds
Spice - Nigella seeds
Spice - Yellow mustard seeds
Spice - Fenugreek seeds
Spice - Cumin seeds
Spice -Ajwain or Bishop's weed
Spice - Cardamom
Spice - Cinnamon
Spice - Cloves
Spice - Black pepper
Bar headed goose
Lesser adjutant
Asian openbill stork
Glossy ibis
Grey headed swamphen
Ruddy shelduck
Little cormorant
Indian pond heron
Common snipe
Bronze winged jacana
White breasted waterhen
Little ringed plover
Red wattled lapwing
Northern lapwing
Asian koel (Male)
Greater coucal or Crow pheasant
Rufous treepie
Spotted dove
Eurasian collared dove
Stripe breasted woodpecker
Indian roller
Eurasian hoopoe