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Bikram Khanra

Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Member since 4 years
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Metronidazole Tablets, Alopathy medicine
Orb weaving spider Araneus Ventricosus.
Crab spider, Thomisus Onustus.
European Garden Spider,  Araneus diadematus.
White Crab Spider, Thomisus Onustus.
Butterfly, Spindasis is sitting on a flower
black-kneed meadow katydid, black-kneed conehead,Conocephalus melaenus
Gossamer-winged butterfly, Spindasis is sitting on a flower
Spotted orb weaver, Neoscona spider.
European Garden Spider,  Araneus diadematus.
Orb weaving spider Araneus Ventricosus.
The oak spider, Aculepeira ceropegia
The Yellow Garden Spider, Argiope aurantia
White Oplodontha fly, from the family stratiomyidae
Butterfly, Spindasis is sitting on a flower
White Oplodontha fly, from the family stratiomyidae
The Yellow Garden Spider, Argiope aurantia is hunting a fly
Barberton daisy flower, a black worm on it,Gerbera jamesonii
The Yellow Garden Spider, Argiope aurantia
Wet feather of pigeon
Red Barberton Daisy, Gerbera L.
Red Barberton Daisy, Gerbera L.
Yellow barberton daisy, gerbera, dahlia
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Allium stipitatum, persian shallot
Transvaal daisy flower, Gerbera L
Transvaal daisy flower, Gerbera L
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Chrysanthemum grandifloru daisy flower.
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Barberton daisy flower, Gerbera jamesonii
Riverside skyline with black clouds, Bikram khanra
Skyline of the riverside with black clouds, Bikram Khanra
Skyline of the riverside with black clouds, Bikram Khanra
Leaf beetle red colour sitting on a leaf,Macro photography, Bikram khanra
A yellow wasp, macro photography, Bikram khanra
A yellow spider is sitting on a sunflower,Macro photography,Bikram khanra
Maa Jagatdhatri devi idol
Maa Jagatdhatri devi idol
Maa Jagatdhatri devi idol
Blue throated Barbet
Blue throated Barbet with red cap
Black Kite Eagle
Goddess Durga Idol